Good things

Fruit machine features

Online fruit slot machines – also known as AWP (Amusement with Prizes) machines – can now be played at online casinos around the world, and they have special features that make them even better than regular slot machines. If you’re a big fan of online slots, you’ll love playing online fruit slot machines.

Two of the special features that make fruit machines special are the ‘hold’ and ‘nudge’ capabilities. For example, if you have two strawberry symbols and a cherry, you can ‘hold’ the two reels with the strawberries and give the reel with the cherry another spin, thus increasing your chances of hitting three strawberries for a win.

The nudge feature is useful if, for example, you have two apple symbols, and you can see that another apple is about to come into view on the third reel. You can then gently nudge the third apple into place to complete your winning payline.

Both the hold and nudge features add an element of strategy into your online fruit slot machine game. On a regular slot machine, luck plays a huge part: you just click the spin button and hope for the best. But with the hold and nudge features on an online fruit slot machine, you can somewhat have a hand in making the winning slots combinations happen.

Fruit slot machines are more than just your ordinary slot game. They also feature special bonus games. Bonus games are thought of as a game within the game, which means they give you more fun, excitement, and more chances to win real money.

Online fruit slot machines can be called ‘online slots plus,’ meaning online fruit machines are online slots, plus hold and nudge features, high-paying bonus games, and wonderfully entertaining themes and symbols. So take a break from regular slots, and try your hand at playing online fruit slot machines.


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  1. Mark Note says:

    such machines are used in betsson casino. Played on them, really like it

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